5 Ways to Bring Balance into Your Life

5 Ways to Bring Balance into Your Life

5 Ways to Bring Balance into Your Life I felt inspired to write these tips, “5 Ways to Bring Balance to Life,” to share with you some of the practices that have supported me in creating more inner and outer balance in my life. Feel free to share these with...
Life’s Transitions Are Precious

Life’s Transitions Are Precious

Life’s Transitions Are Precious Transitions are a Part of Human Life From the very beginning we transition from spirit into form, from womb to world, from infant to toddler, from toddler to child, from child to teenager, from teenager to adult, and from life to...
Take Care of Yourself First!

Take Care of Yourself First!

Take Care of Yourself First! I remember almost 15 years ago, I was driving home after a day filled with client sessions; from drug addicted adults and suicidal teens, to abused children. I began to feel nauseous and a huge painful migraine started coming on. I had no...
Water is a Great Healer

Water is a Great Healer

Water is a Great Healer As you may know the Earth is made up mostly of water, and so are you. Babies and children love the water, to splash about, and pour it over their heads. It tickles them from head to toe and they feel happy. It makes a lot of sense, since they...
Your Soul’s Spark

Your Soul’s Spark

Your Soul’s Spark You are carrying your soul’s spark in you. It is what inspires your creativity in the world and allows you to create amazing things from a place of inner knowing and crystal clarity. Your soul’s spark is who you truly are. When you come into...