Gayatri Mantra
for Pregnancy and Protection
Free Course
The Gayatri Mantra Protects the Mother,
the Unborn Child in the Womb & the Whole Family
“Nina’s Holy Womb Divine Workshop felt like being wrapped in a cocoon. Practicing the mantras was like a journey through the conception and birth process. I love the Gayatri. Chanting this mantra enables me to shift into a space of peace and oneness with my surroundings and my spiritual guides. It has also been a great source of comfort and strength in troubled times.”
What You Will Receive
Audio Recording of the Gayatri Mantra for Babies in the Womb
This mantra is one of the top mantras to give to pregnant parents. This audio recording was created with mantra and intention and can be played as a support for pregnant moms, dads, partners, and babies in the womb and those you serve, to feel protected and held with grace. This mantra benefits the whole family beyond pregnancy.
Introduction to Mantra Meditation and the Gayatri Mantra
Video teachings about mantra meditation in general, the history of the Gayatri Mantra (as I learned it), as well as some of the universal benefits and specific uses.
Gayatri Mantra Handouts
Handout on the Gayatri Mantra to accompany audio recording.

Nina Ketscher, MA, PPNE, CEIM
I offer one-on-one and family integrative therapy, music healing, and professional consultation sessions.
Trained both in Western and Eastern healing modalities body, mind, heart and soul, I blend somatic, prenatal and perinatal and energy psychology with wisdom practices to connect you with nature, to nurture your inherent capabilities, and to support your life’s greater purpose and contribution to humanity. I specialize in working with women, babies, children and their families. I draw from my own life and over 15 years of professional experience.
In my work with private clients and in workshops, I expand upon commonly known practices for supporting a healthy and protected pre-conception, pregnancy, and birth, as well as giving parents knowledge and practices they can implement as their child’s spark arrives in their hearts during preconception, conception, through pregnancy and birth, and throughout the stages of development, or rather human developmental doors.
I hold a masters in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Somatic Psychology from Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. I am a former Director of Education for APPPAH, and a graduate of and mentor for APPPAH’s Prenatal & Perinatal Educator certification program (PPNE).
I lived, studied and taught in India for 5 years on ancient wisdoms and spirituality. In addition, I worked in an Integrative and Functional Medicine Pediatric clinic in the US.
Born in California, USA, I reside in Leipzig, Germany with my husband and my 7 year old son.
I believe through expanding our view on conception, pregnancy, birth, and parenting, we will create new generations of strong, conscious and loving children, equipped to face the challenges of our modern and unstable world.

Fequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
You will have full access to all course materials upon registration.
Will I be able to download the course materials?
Each course module includes materials which you may download and keep on your own computer (subject to our Terms of Use). These include: audio file of the teaching session; and written course materials (PDF). We invite you to share with others who may wish to also have this recording or course to either sign up via this page, or via bandcamp (ADD LINK)
How long will I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own, as long as the internet exists.